How To Gain Success By Using Facebook Fans For Growing Your Site

How To Gain Success By Using Facebook Fans For Growing Your Site
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With the social media platforms becoming more and more popular day by day, it has become much more imperative for your company to search for ways to get benefit for your business.
For meeting this objective I will suggest you to use Facebook. It is a great way to advertise business and interact with more than 500 million active users.

You can start by creating a fan page for your business. Follow the steps given below and shortly you will be on your way to achieving great success.

1) Make your fan page

This particular page is similar to your personal profile. The feel of the fan page is same as of your personal profile including the wall and the information. After the creation of the fan page, you can easily invite your friends to become your Facebook fans on your page. If you want, you can accept or even decline this particular option. Obviously you won?t decline as the more fans you have, the greater traction you get.

2) Create the custom tabs

After creation of a page on the Facebook you can also create the custom tabs by using the FMBL application. This permits you to have a exclusive fan page and also permit you to make your fan page just similar to your website. This in fact makes your visitors quite comfortable as the familiarity is there.

3) Monitor the Facebook conversations

The page on the Facebook grades you as per the interaction you have with your fans so you in a sense create the community which discusses and interacts with you regarding your core business. Use this insight to your advantage.

4) Link the fan page which you have on Facebook to your website

Once you set up the page and have adequate fans, make sure to link the same to your site so that your friends can easily connect with you on the Facebook. This will assist you a lot in the placement on the search engines.

5) Make use of the fan page for promoting your business

Now as your fan page is up and is running, you should ensure to promote it as part of your business. You can also make use of the service which Facebook has in place for promoting your business. Increasing the number of fans demonstrates that you have something to offer. You may want to consider purchasing Facebook Fans or Facebook Likes as it is technically now known as.

Like, for example, you can create a coupon code which can be entered by the fans on your website for receiving the discount for the products or have something when they actually come to the store owned by you by saying some code word for a particular day after which they can get some free sample of the product from you. Smart marketing strategies like this can surely make your fan page on the Facebook a very important part of your social media game plan.

This in turn will help draw traffic towards your website.